Simpsons Hit And Run Trivia

The Simpsons: Hit & Run. Showing all 12 items. If the game console's calendar is set to a particular date (such as October 31 or December 25 for Christmas.

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  • Approval of God: In an episode of Boundary Break focusing on the game, Cary Brisebois, one of the programmers who was a guest star on said episode, gave praise to Donut Team for breathing new life into a 15 year old game.
  • Bowdlerization: The European releases of The Simpsons: Hit & Run omitted Apu's phrase 'Hey, move it, whitey!' when he does near-misses due to it being a racist remark.
  • Cut Song: There is quite a bit of unused music and audio cues in the game files. Of note is that some of it implies that the Burns' Mansion area was to be accessible in Level 7. A 'failure' version of the 'There's Something About Monty' music also exists, even though you cannot fail the part where it plays as it lacks a time limit.
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  • Executive Meddling: Menu art was removed and replaced because, under the licensing contract, anybody making 2D art for the Simpsons franchise has to go through Fox's own art program (or something to that effect). Suffice it to say, Radical Entertainment's artists were not happy when they found out.
  • Unintentional Period Piece:
    • The mission 'Cell-Outs' requires Bart to destroy the cars of cell phone users so that the Truckasaurus can operate without interference. Already a bit silly in 2003, it's unlikely that the same premise would have been used after the introduction of smartphones.
    • 'Bonestorm Storm' involves Marge and Homer attacking a 'Bonestorm II' delivery truck and collecting the crates of games it drops, causing a shortage of the game. Nowadays, with digital copies of games becoming a common thing, this act would be a fruitless endevor.note
  • What Could Have Been:
    • A lot of preview pictures of the game's seventh and final level suggest that you were able to go to the 969 area (AKA the more upper-class side, which is blocked off in the game) of Evergreen Terrace at some point. In fact, if the player goes out of bounds in the level and finds where the Stonecutters Hall is supposed to be located, a very eerie Muzak tune plays. There's also remnants of the buildings in the 969 area as well as a few solid areas where the roads are in the first and fourth levels, which may confirm that the area went unused sometime in gameplay. A former Radical employee, Noviwak, confirmed on the Donut Team forum that the entire area was cut to make it easier for artists working on the level.
    • In the game itself, if 100% completion of the game has been reached, typing in a cheat code allows access to any car in the game, including ones that you are not supposed to drive and cars from different areas, from the phone-booth. Some of the cars are also cars that don't go used at all, such as an ice cream truck, an ice-box van, three variants of the Cell Phone Users' Car, and even sedans.
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    • All five playable characters have quotes that play upon destroying power couplings, even though they're only destroyed in one mission played with Homer. Judging from the context (Marge making bee puns, everyone talking about surveillance), it's likely they were intended to play upon destroying wasp cameras, but were changed later in development for unknown reasons.
    • A sequel was planned and in the very early stages of development when it was cancelled due to EA acquiring the Simpsons licence. A new addition would have been the ability to attach trailers to the cars that could be pulled behind you while driving.

Simpsons Hit And Run Trailer


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